Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Wordpress - How To Deal With The Comments You Receive

When you have a Wordpress site or blog, you will notice that you get quite a few comments about your posts.  At times these comments are related from real readers, but 90% of the time they are spam comments that are nothing more than links that are posted to your site.  How can you deal with these comments when usingWordpress?

Askimet is one of the best solutions to commenting problems.  This is a plugin that you can use with Wordpress that will help you filter out the common spam and junk comments to keep your blog a bit cleaner.  It's fairly effective and suggested by Wordpress to use with their software.

There are also other comment plugins that you can use with your blog.  The strategy here is that most spam commenters are looking for certain code that gives away that you are using a Wordpress blog.  With a different way of doing comments, their software that looks and posts comments won't work with your blog so that you don't have to deal with them.

There are administrative features that you can use.  You can moderate every comment so that the junk ones don't post to your pages.  You can set it up so that only users with approved comments can post.  You can even go as far as requiring that people make a user account before being able to post.  These will keep most of the junk comments off your pages.

You may even go as far to completely get rid of comments.  For certain pages that you might be having problems with, you can edit the post and turn the comments off by making sure the box is no longer checked.  If you want, you can also edit out the comments portion on your posts template so that you don't have to deal with them any longer.

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